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7 Reasons Behind Sour or Bitter Taste in Your Mouth

Dr. Vinita Tekchandani

Dr. Vinita Tekchandani Masters Degree In Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology

March 10th, 2023

Do you struggle to get rid of the bitter or sour taste in your mouth? It is common to have a bitter taste in your mouth after drinking coffee or eating Bitter Melon. No matter what you eat or drink, a constant bitter taste on your tongue is abnormal and could indicate several medical concerns.

Even if having a bitter taste in your mouth is not usually a serious issue, this can interfere with your everyday activities and affect your diet.

The causes of a bitter or sour taste in your mouth can be

1) Smoking

Smoking has many adverse effects that can impact your overall health. Smoking has a less side effect that can leave your mouth with a bitter or sour taste. This is because it can irritate the taste buds and cause meals to taste differently. Smoking can also decrease saliva flow, worsening the sour or bitter taste in your mouth.

2) Dry Mouth

Saliva is vital in neutralizing acids and removing bacteria from the mouth. When the mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva, these harmful bacteria can build up, leading to a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Additionally, a dry mouth can cause a decrease in sensory perception, making it more difficult to taste and enjoy food.

3) Medicines

Have you ever tasted a pill before? If so, you might have noticed that some medicines taste bitter or sour. This is because many medications have chemical composition of the drug and how it interacts with our taste buds, resulting in an unpleasant taste sensation. Additionally, some drugs alter how our taste buds perceive flavors, making them overly sensitive to bitter or sour tastes.

4) Poor oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is a crucial element in maintaining a healthy mouth. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to several issues, such as foul breath, gum disease, and tooth decay. Another common issue that people may experience is a bitter or sour taste in their mouth. Poor oral hygiene is a significant contributor to this issue, as bacteria build up in the mouth and create harmful acids that can alter the taste of your food, leaving a bitter or sour taste. Maintaining good oral hygiene can help stop these unpleasant taste sensations and improve dental health.

5) Dehydration

Dehydration leads to physical symptoms such as fatigue and headaches and can impact our taste buds. When the body is dehydrated, saliva production decreases, leading to bacteria buildup in the mouth. These bacteria can cause a bitter or sour taste in the mouth and can even lead to bad breath. In addition, dehydration can also decrease the sensitivity of our taste buds, making food taste less flavorful.

6) Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be an exciting and overwhelming journey for expectant mothers, but it’s challenging. A more common symptom experienced during pregnancy is a bitter or sour taste in the mouth. This can happen due to the  changes in hormones that affect taste and smell. This unpleasant taste will go away after the baby is born.

7) Zinc Insufficiency

Zinc is a crucial mineral that our body requires for numerous functions, including the immune system, wound healing, and the functioning of our senses of taste and smell. However, zinc insufficiency is a common issue that can lead to various symptoms, including changes in your taste sensations. When your body lacks zinc, it can affect your taste buds, causing a bitter or sour taste. This sensation may be mild but can also be severe enough to impact your appetite and overall nutrition.

Bottom Line

A bitter or sour taste can be caused by various factors, from something as simple as poor dental hygiene to the side effects of multiple medications. Therefore, schedule regular dental visits with your dentist to avoid any issues.

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